It's been a while since we've posted a blog and that has been mainly due to trying to adapt to the current situation we are all in.
To be honest, we've coped pretty well - Kathy has continued working while I've been furloughed from my job (in to the 9th week, as I write this), which has been good practice for when I retire at the end of next year.
It has taken some time to adjust but, with the lockdown easing, we should be getting back to some kind of normal soon.
As mentioned in the previous blog, a lot of the events we had in the diary have been cancelled but we had some good news yesterday when we were informed that the session with the foxes will go ahead. That's given us a massive boost and is something to look forward to.
We are still waiting to find out about the Little Owls and the Skomer visit but, if I'm honest, I don't think either will happen.
With regards the various Art Shows, the early ones were all cancelled but we still have the possibility of a couple in September and October (along with the Waterperry Xmas fair in December).
So what have we been up to? Well, as mentioned, Kathy has had to work so there has been little opportunity for her but I set up a a back garden project (like many other photographers) to keep me occupied.
I built a reflection pool to photograph the various garden birds that visit - it wasn't a great success as a reflection pool but was a great feeding station for them.
I've concentrated on getting images of the Starlings as they are full of character and the interaction once the fledglings join in is wonderful to watch.
I've managed to get some terrific pics and it's been great fun - although it has cost me a fortune in food!
I'm now moving on to what we do in the future and have several plans in the pipeline - whether they come to fruition, only time will tell, but it won't be for the want of trying.
